يزور العملاء الفرنسيون مصنع آلة الجليد الجافة

This French customer is from an industrial cleaning company that specializes in providing efficient cleaning solutions. As the customer’s business expands, they plan to introduce dry ice cleaning equipment to improve cleaning efficiency and reduce the need for chemical cleaning agents. As a result, they decided to visit the Shuliy dry ice machine plant to learn more about our equipment performance and services.

المخاوف الرئيسية لجولة العميل

خلال جولة المصنع ، ركز العميل على المناطق التالية على وجه الخصوص:

  • Equipment quality and performance: Customers want to learn about the منظف ​​الثلج الجافالقدرة على التنظيف ، المتانة والكفاءة.
  • Technical support and after-sales service: Customers are concerned about after-sales service guarantees, especially maintenance and technical support services for the equipment.
  • سهولة التشغيل: يريد العملاء معرفة أن المعدات سهلة التشغيل وأن موظفيها سيتمكنون من استخدامه بسرعة.
  • فعالية المعدات من حيث التكلفة: يريد العملاء معرفة السعر وفعالية التكلفة للمعدات لضمان أن يحقق الاستثمار عائدًا كبيرًا.
Dry ice cleaner and pellet maker
dry ice cleaner and pellet maker

الخدمات والضمانات التي نقدمها

خلال زيارة العملاء الفرنسية ، أظهرنا لهم بالتفصيل كيف يتم تصنيع آلة الجليد الجافة وتقديمها إلى ضمانات الخدمة التالية:

  • Quality equipment performance: Our dry ice blasting machines use advanced technology with highly efficient cleaning capabilities to quickly remove grease, dust and other dirt from the equipment while reducing wear and tear on the equipment.
  • Full technical support: We provide customers with a full range of technical support services. From equipment selection to equipment installation and commissioning, to post maintenance, there are people responsible for ensuring that customers get timely help in the process of equipment use.
  • Simple operation and training: Our equipment design focuses on user experience, easy to operate, so customers can quickly get started. At the same time, we provide detailed training to ensure that the customer’s operators can use the equipment independently.
  • خدمة شاملة بعد البيع: نقدم ضمانًا لمدة عام واحد ، سنقوم خلالها بإصلاح أي مشاكل مع المعدات على الفور. علاوة على ذلك ، فإننا نقدم دعمًا في جميع أنحاء العالم بعد البيع لضمان التشغيل المستقر على المدى الطويل للمعدات.
Dry ice maker machine factory
dry ice maker machine factory

ردود الفعل ونية التعاون

At the end of the visit, customers expressed high satisfaction with the dry ice equipment and services we provided. They believe that the Shuliy dry ice blasting machine has excellent performance and high cost-effectiveness, which can effectively improve the cleaning efficiency of their company, and the operation is simple and easy to learn. The customer indicated that they will place an order with us shortly to start the cooperation.


Through this site visit, the French customer has a deeper understanding of the Shuliy dry ice machine, and is especially confident in our equipment performance, ease of operation, and a full range of after-sales service. If you have تنظيف الثلج الجاف needs, welcome to contact us, and we will provide you with professional solutions.

أنشر الحب