How do you make pellet dry ice?

Pellet dry ice

Steps to make pellet dry ice include liquid carbon dioxide preparation, high-pressure acceleration and curing, and pellet compression and molding.

How to make dry ice blocks?

How to make dry ice blocks

Making dry ice cubes is a unique and fascinating process in the magical world of dry ice. Now let’s together explore the steps to make dry ice blocks and equipment used in this process. Steps to make dry ice blocks Here are the simple steps to make dry ice cubes: … Read more

What composes dry ice maker machine price?

Dry ice maker machine price

As the demand for dry ice continues to climb in areas such as cold chain logistics, food preservation, stage special effects and industrial cleaning, the issue of dry ice maker pricing has become a focus of attention for many potential buyers. In this article, we will analyze the key factors … Read more

Pellet dry ice machine and dry ice blaster sold to Iraq

Pellet dry ice machine and dry ice blaster

Recently, an industrial services company in Iraq decided to manufacture and use dry ice cleaning technology to improve its cleaning efficiency and environmental friendliness. However, finding an affordable and high-performance pellet dry ice machine and dry ice cleaner in the local market was a major challenge. Affordable dry ice solutions … Read more

How can dry ice blasting be used to clean cars?

Dry ice blasting to clean cars

Dry ice blasting, as a revolutionary cleaning method, is gradually emerging in the field of automotive maintenance. The use of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) to remove dirt through high-speed blasting is highly effective and causes minimal damage to materials. Shuliy brand dry ice cleaning machine is an excellent representative … Read more