FAQ of dry ice blaster machine for sale

Our dry ice blaster machine is very versatile, here are a few questions for dry ice cleaner for your reference:

1. Can dry ice be applied to paint removal?

Yes, but the removal rate depends on many factors including: the surface profile underneath the substrate, the thickness of the coating, the adhesive strength of the coating, and the cohesive strength of the coating. Paint removal rates can vary widely, from 300 sq. ft. per hour to 1 sq. ft. per hour.
If you are concerned about contamination, toxins, waste disposal, or substrate damage, the dry ice blaster machine should be considered a cleaning option. Otherwise, sandblasting may be a more effective method of removing paint.

2. Can dry ice blaster machine be applied for rust removal?

It tends to remove loosely adhered oxides and salts, but will not remove deeply adhered oxides. After cleaning you have an SP rating of 3 with no residue remaining. To get white metal you have to remove the surface metal, something the dry ice blasting process cannot do.

3. Does the process of dry ice cleaning generate static electricity?

Yes, any dry air process generates static electricity and dry ice blasting is no exception. As long as the blasting device and the components being blasted are properly grounded, it is unlikely that static discharge will be a problem.

4. How to get raw materials for dry ice cleaning?

Because the raw material for the dry ice cleaner is 3mm dry ice pellets, you need to buy them at the raw material office or directly buy a dry ice pellet machine to produce them yourself.

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